The Principles The Women Of Saint Zoe Parish Church Exhibit

They are polite.
Words like “please” and “thank you” some might think it technically unnecessary but they’re invaluable for the women of Saint Zoe parish church, it is part of their charisma.

They acknowledge small favors.
“You’re welcome.” These two short words used by the women of Saint Zoe parish church communicate much more than “no problem” (or, of course, “yup”) when someone thank you for something.

They offer meaningful praise.
The key word here is “meaningful.” The women of Saint Zoe parish church give sincere compliments – never bashful, never obsequious. When someone merits praise, they say so.

They express sincere empathy.
They use phrases like, “That must have made you feel proud,” or “I can imagine you must feel angry,” thus both exploring and validating other people’s feelings. Because here’s a little secret: The woman of Saint Zoe parish church knows everybody wants to be understood.

They share useful information.
Some people like to hoard information because they think it makes them more powerful not the women of Saint Zoe parish church. The woman of Saint Zoe parish church understands that “information” and “rumors” are not the same thing.

They offer to help.
Many of us want to contribute to our society, but we often don’t know where to begin. The women of Saint Zoe parish church know you can start with something as simple as holding the doors for people coming in behind you!

They speak with justifiable confidence.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church don’t boast or brag. But when faced with challenging situations especially things that affect other people; they’re the ones who approach the problem with an air of calmness, curiosity, and confidence.

They use names and titles that connote respect.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church remember other people’s names and use their titles in circumstances when it makes those people feel good.

They express their faith in others.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church use four simple words: “I believe in you.” That kind of validation from others can inspire achievement and affection for the person who gives the validation.

They remember that they’re part of a team.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church know that having a sense of humor can even make them fun. They know we’re all in it together” during tough times.

They make introductions.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church know five of the nicest words anyone can ever say to two people at the same time? “I’d like you to meet….”

They take their turn.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church aren’t afraid to step up when it’s their turn to do something enjoyable or even to bear the burden of something that isn’t so great. In other words, they can take a compliment or be gracious, but they’re also the ones who remember to help out their Pastor.

They let others make their own decisions.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church have confidence in their opinions, but they also recognize that other people may legitimately see things differently and that they have to choose their own paths in life.

They listen.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church are active and sincere listeners. You can tell them your opinion or a story or ask for their advice, and they respond with questions and verbal cues that suggest they’re present in the moment. Our time is our most valuable resource, and yet they’re more than willing to give it to you.

They take responsibility.
When it’s their job or their fault, they step up. The women of Saint Zoe parish church take control of the things they’re supposed to have control over.

They voice their support.
The women of Saint Zoe parish church will stand by you. They show support when needed.

They ask, “Why not?”
The women of Saint Zoe parish church are optimists and doers. There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? The women of Saint Zoe parish church look at things that never were, and ask why not?